500 experts united to catalyse the UN Sustainable Goals within the Textile sector

500 experts united to catalyse the UN Sustainable Goals within the Textile sector


At the same time in Washington DC … It’s the Textile Exchange Annual Conference.

We tell you a bit more !

We are telling you as if it was completely normal, because it’s our daily concern. Therefore, it’s time to explain more about this organization that Acts precisely and provide and sense to the sustainable textile standards and the organic cotton standards that way. When you buy an organic cotton product, it’s certified and it’s possible to trace the entire value chain (up to the organic cotton field from the organic cotton product that you have purchased). It’s of course the case with the Kalani bed linen (sheets, duvet covers, pillowcases) certified organic cotton and Fairtrade

 What is Textile Exchange ?

“Textile Exchange is a global non-profit that works closely with our members (210 companies and organizations within 25 countries of the world) to drive industry transformation in preferred fibres, integrity and standards and responsible supply networks.

They identify and share best practices regarding farming, materials, processing, traceability and product end-of-life to reduce the textile industry’s impact on the world’s water, soil and air, and the human population.”

Its mission is to “inspire and equip people to accelerate sustainable practices in the textile value chain. We focus on minimizing the harmful impacts of the global textile industry and maximizing its positive effects.”

Being member of the European Board (on voluntary basis), Bruno, founder of Kalani was present during the entire conference to participate to the plenary conference session, the workshops, the round tables, as well as to the Board meetings to redefine the roles and objectives of the Board for the coming years.

Textile Exchange certifications and information it’s here . And to know more about Kalani certifications it’s here.

« United by Action : catalizing the sustainable development goals in textile »

The theme of this year annual conference, about the Sustainable Goals in the Textile sector, mobilized more than 500 experts from all over the world.

Those worldwide conferences happen once a year since the last 15 years, but this year was the best ever! At least the best of the last 5 years we attend it. We got the opportunity to listen engaged and inspiring amazing people, to exchange ideas and best practices, but also to think in smaller workgroups to develop actions to catalyse the sustainable goals within the textile sector.

This year is the best out of the last 5 year!

One of the most inspiring speech was without any doubt the one from an incredible women: Mina Guli (https://www.minaguli.com) who run not less than 40 marathons in 40 days in 7 deserts over the 7 continents, to rise awareness via the press about the fresh water disappearance between now and 2040, because there will be less than 40% of fresh water available if we don’t change drastically our way of living, the way we grow and consume conventional cotton that remain a huge environmental disaster within the textile industry is we consider the millions of litres of water to grow cotton, the washing/dyeing of fabrics and the washing of our daily clothes.

Some experts and leaders on the textile market have also been speaking to explain how to change the textile industry and how to inspire others acting everyday on better practices.

Inspriring topics all week long!

We got the unique opportunity to hear, speak, listen and work on different subjects such as; circular economy, sustainable financing solutions, new textile standards, inspiring brands coalitions, decarbonizing operations, extreme poverty issues, recycling solutions,

After all those subjects more exciting than others, we have participated to the Organic cotton round table, with more than 250 experts to analyse processes in 5 different regions of the globe: Africa, China, India, Latin America, Turkey and Central Asia. The objective was to collect more ideas to draw an action plan to increase the consumer’s engagements towards organic cotton products (instead of the conventional cotton).

The Innovation Award … given to Cotton Diaries!

At the end of those 4 amazing days, Kalani was part of the jury to allocate the « 2017 Innovation Awards ». Cotton Diaries is a new start-up that focus and collect information content and nice stories to tell, about sustainable textile in general, to increase the awareness and consumers’ engagement on this sector: from cotton fields to garments …

Register to the newsletter here, you will be surprised ! The stories that will be soon reported are breath-taking …

 Facebook  / Instagram : @cottondiaries

The UN 17 Sustainable Goals:

And for the ones that have not yet been informed, since 2015, the countries members of the UN, have adopted 17 Goals to erase poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity to everyone. Every goal has specific objectives to reach within the next 15 years. Obviously, at Kalani, we have also integrated each goal in the structure of our company, the development of our products, and our commitments as citizens. #globalgoals

For more information on theentire porgram just visit : Sustainable development Goals

We do not repeat it yet enough … but …

Small drops make big rivers …


For the Kalani Team

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